I'm not sure if it is because I am afraid to get back on the panga or if I just don't think we will find another spot as nice as Little Corn, but we have once again changed our schedule and are staying put for 2 weeks. We were supposed to fly out of San Jose in Costa Rica, but we have changed our flights and are now going home from Managua.
Our days on the island go something like this:
8 AM - wake up and wander over to Casa Iguana for breakfast (fruit and bottomless coffee/tea with every meal)
10 AM - wander down to the beach in front of Casa Iguana because the breeze is nicer on this side of the island
1PM - buy meat and fruit patties from Richard the Patty Guy (1 day 1 bought 8 and didn't know that Jason had bought 12 after his dive on the other side of the island)
*option 2 and 3 are buying hot coconut bread and pizza from the kids plying the beaches
3 PM - wander back to "Our Side" of the island because it is getting cool with the breeze. There is almost no breeze on our side which is nice as the sun sets
5 PM - watch the sunset while sitting in the sand with a cold beer
after dark - dining on fresh lobster or fish at one of the restaurants on our side unless we have made a reservation at Casa Iguana for some yummy meal cooked up by Mark and his kitchen crew.
Yep, that about sums it up! We have met up with a couple families from Orcas Island in Washington state which has been great. It is nice to chat with other people traveling with their kids. It is really great having some kids for Lena and Jade to play with, too.
So that is life on Little Corn ... such a grueling schedule!!