Sunday, March 2, 2008

Diving Little Corn

This entire trip, Jason and I had yet to go diving. When we met up with David who was here to dive, we decided we should tag along. The reason we haven't been diving is that we often find that snorkeling is just as good and the price is much better. I guess with only a few weeks left and having carted our dive computer around for the past few months, we thought we should get down with the fishes

The first dive after a bit of a break (almost 2 years) is always just about getting a feel for the equipment and trying not to go flying up to the top causing our heads and lungs to explode. We went with Dolphin Divers as they were attached to our hotel. Sandy, the woman running the shop set us up with a nanny for the kids so Jason and I could dive together. Very nice!

Our divemaster Trevor was a great guy and our first couple of dives were really mellow and not too deep. We saw some nurse sharks and rays. The next day we went out looking for hammerheads. We had heard there were some around, but we always hear divers chatting and rarely believe anyone anymore. We had the nanny all set up so we set off to look for some sharks. The beginning of the dive was really cool going through some caves and checking out the fish. Then I could see Jason pointing to some eagle rays. There were 8~12 of them swimming together, absolutely fantastic! And then, right behind them was a HUGE hammerhead shark!! I had never seen one before and I was so excited I was trying to get everyone else to look by screaming and pointing. (You can never tell if anyone sees what you see until you get to the top. You are supposed to stay with your buddy, but Jason is my buddy and I can never find him when we are diving.) I looked over at David and the hammerhead was back with its harem of eagle rays again!

When we got to the surface I was so excited and screaming about the hammerhead and the school of eagle rays, but Jason didn't see the shark because he was chasing the rays!

Well, we had another dive to do that day and Jason wanted to go back to look for the hammerhead. Trevor made us proud and found another one. It was smaller than the first one, but it swam right up to us and Jason got a front row seat.

What great dives!