Two of the places I wanted to go to in Guatemala were Xocomil and Xetulul. Strange names, but amazing places to take your kids although nothing at all to do with Guatemalan culture. Xocomil is a waterpark and Xetulul is an amusement park. Although I had read about them in guidebooks I had no idea how fantastic they would be.
The water park was so huge that we didn't even get through all of the water slides in 1 day. They have 2 huge wave pools, about 30 water slides (Jason calls them water rides, not slides) of varying shapes and speeds, a few kiddie parks, an obstacle course over the water, beach volleyball and a bunch of restaurants. It was amazing.
It started to get cloudy around 2pm and everyone started to leave which was perfect for us because that meant no line-ups. We did the now standard I stay with Reed and then we switch routine. This time there was a little change to our plans, however. I did my tour of duty with the boy and we did the switch after lunch. After a few crazy rides with the girls I decided to walk back to check on my baby. Well, I found Jason having a snooze and NO baby! When I asked where my baby was he pointed in the direction of the wave pools. Jason said he just saw Reed float by in a boat a while ago!
Strangely enough, as soon as I returned a cute Guatemalan girl in a bikini shows up with my son. I have no idea what she said, but Reed was happy. I'm thinking we should have asked her to come with us for a few days to babysit.
The next day we hit the amusement park. It was almost empty so no line-ups for any rides. Everyone tried out the first few rides and then Jason couldn't stand it and made us go to the rollercoaster (the biggest in Central/South America). We got there and there was no line-up, but you had to be 14yrs old to ride. Jade was ticked off, but there was no way we could get her a false id in time. We watched Jason's head rattle around on the back of the coaster for about 15 seconds and then he was done. At least there was no line-up. It was really hot, so we were all moving very slowly. We did hit all of the rides, but it was soooo hot we were ready to go home when our driver arrived at 6.