Well, we had our day of culture yesterday and decided to have some relaxing fun for a day (although there is a nice big bathtub in our hotel room which is a great luxury). We went to the travel agent around the corner from us below the restaurant "Twisted Tanya's" and Tanya offered us the use of her minivan to take the kids to the hot springs. She has a 9month old and an 8 yr old so she could feel our pain!! Jason was more than a little excited to get to drive again!
So, at the crack of noonish, we were off in the rented minivan. The drive out to the hot springs was lovely. There were villages all along the way, we had to drive through a little creek that went over the road and the valley was all green and lush. We almost drove right past the hot springs, but Jason caught the sign out of the corner of his eye and we all piled out. There were 2 man made pools full of the water from the hot springs and then you could go down to the river where the water was coming out the side of the mountain in a waterfall of boiling hot water. They re-arrange the rocks in the river to adjust the temp of the water as it is steaming hot right out of the waterfall!!
While we were in the man made pools, we had the requisite Honduran cuties in bikinis come by to scoop Reed and take pictures with him. I swear, every time I turn around someone I have never met is holding him. Pretty fantastic because he has become a squirmy little thing and I am thankful for the break...
I skipped out on Jason and the girls to check out the Jaguar Spa which is set just above the river. I only had an hour, so no time to indulge in a massage, but the pools were lovely and I was the only person there. I could have spent a few hours there, but it wasn't as much fun all alone, who would have thought?!?!?!
We headed home just before dark and the girls and the boy crashed hard. Tomorrow we are going ziplining :o)